Guilty or not ?!
Hi folks, how are you guys doing ?
I cant believe it’s already July! It’s a cloudy day today and the weather forecast is not changing much before Tuesday next week. I’m sat here on my sofa, with my best friend (Labrador dog Timmy ) and thinking about the summer .. Have I made the most of it so far?
Last time I wrote, I was saying things about feeling motivated to get into summer shape, and also, that during summer people should not ”stress” out too much thinking about what they eat/drink or if they didn’t go to to the gym or for a run 4 times a week. …. but to be honest I do feel a bit guilty my self!
Keeping fit is a lifestyle and should not be stressful, but summer time can definitely challenge you. I do enjoy exercising and eating healthy (most of the time) ! But the last 2 weeks have not been so good regarding fitness and good diet! Week before midsummer we had a BBQ- party(sausages, bacon, cream cheese… You name it , went down!) Then midsummer it self came around and had some MORE BBQ food (not always The Healthiest option) + sparkling wine, wine and cider. After midsummer weekend we went sailing and we were making pizza’s, spaghetti, eating doughy bread and day before yesterday I had a Doubble Cheesburger from McDonald’s ! Whoops ! ( I have not been to McDonald’s for over a year!) And let’s just say, that working out, has not been the priority thing on the top of my head during the previous weeks either!
I have had a lovely time with my family and friends! Lots of fun, laughter, sailing, good yummy food, sparkling wine and some late nights! So I do think, my summer has been pretty awesome so far. So maybe I shouldn’t feel so guilty about my diet and fitness at the moment ! It is ok to give yourself a bit of slack sometimes!!