What to Eat when Your Sick
Haha såklart googlar jag på det…De flesta som är sjuka saknar både matlust och smak/luktsinne, men JAG däremot är en lite tvärtom varelse.
Men det är faktiskt sant att man blir friskare snabbare ifall man äter och inte sover bort mattiderna, så ät på folket! Sov på natten istället 😉
”When we’re sick, the body needs more calories to function normally. The body must work harder than normal when we are sick in order to fight infection, especially with fevers (when it’s battling higher body temperatures, too). To do this effectively, it needs to maintain higher energy levels (which can be tough when it’s already working so hard). This is why properly fueling a sick body is an essential part of getting better.
It’s important to stick to regular eating schedules when sick because consuming fewer calories than normal can restrict the body’s ability to heal. In fact, studies suggest reducing calorie intake when sick not only increases susceptibility to the flu, but also worsens symptoms and lengthens the duration of illness.”
Broth-Based Soup
Hot Tea
Citrus Fruits
Spicy Foods