Let me tell you, a skim diet is not good for your health even if the goal is weight loss. The slimming should take care of the amount of fat and the quality of the fat.
When we are dieting we often forget to eat FATS, which can cause skin dryness, hypertension and fat degradation. Humans need soft fat, for example, to absorb fat-soluble vitamins E, D and K. Also, joints, nerves, memory and vision require soft fats and not to mention how it affects our mood. I’ve listed below a couple of fat-rich raw materials that are really good for your health.
Avocados contain a lot of fat, and because of that they have got a nickname ”butter pear”. Most avocado fat, however, is a soft, heart-healthy fat that has been found to reduce bad cholesterol. Avocado fat also prevents inflammation, improves blood circulation and keeps blood pressure under control. Studies show that people who enjoy avocado regularly have narrower waist and a lower body mass index than those who do not eat this fruit regularly.
However, avocados should be eaten reasonably, as one medium sized avocado contains up to 30 grams of fat. Try replacing the cheese over the top with a soft avocado, or replace your mayonnaise with avocado sauce.
Eggs are a cheap and easy source of protein. Many people think that egg white is the healthiest part of egg, as they contain only a little fat. It is true that the yolk contains more fat, but the yolk is full of important nutrients.
Whole eggs are particularly good sources of choline, since one yolk contains about 300 micrograms, among others, a substance that is important for fat metabolism.
The best nuts for nutrition are walnuts, pistachios and almonds. Almonds contain plenty of vitamin E, walnuts, in turn, rich in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. For weight loss one of the best options is pistachios, they contain the least amount of fat and calories.
Greasy fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel are full of good omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty fish reduces the amount of triglyceride in the blood, thus preventing blood vessel fatigue.
Fish is also an excellent source of vitamin D. (Vitamin D is important for bone, muscle and dental health.)
Love, xo Erna