I have always had a lot of issues with nutrition, particularly getting enough calores in and that’s why I want to talk about nutrition. At a younger age I never thought about the importance of nutrition and ate whatever there was to eat, whether it was hot dogs or rice and chicken. At the time I didn’t care too much about my size or strength. The only thing I cared about was being fast on ice and handling a puck when it comes to keeping myself in shape. Many times I would go to training feeling exhausted, lacking energy and I never thought that nutrition would be the reason, but looking back at it now, it all makes sense. Lack of carbohydrates. I wasted so many years of hard work on ice and off ice, because of my nutrition. I tried to avoid eating too much rice or pasta and focused only on the meat products.
Bear this in mind, NUTRITION IS 80% of the process regardless of your sport. Majority of people don’t understand this and that’s why they don’t progress. Everyday, they go to the ice arena, football field or gym; wherever the training takes place and they train 110%, but they don’t eat enough and the training is mostly a waste. Normally an average metabolism rate is 2000kcal for a young athlete that trains atleast 4 times a week. That means that your body is burning 2000kcal everyday do nothing and if you add your training on top of that it’s +400kcal-1000kcal. Let’s say your about 5ft 9’/175cm and weigh 80kg, if you want to maintain and keep your muscles in same the shape your protein intake should be around 160g-200g. Now that’s about 600g of chicken and under a 1000kcal. That leaves you with 1400kcal-2000kcal that should come from rice,pasta,vegetables,drinks etc.
For a long time I thought that I ate enough, but when I did my research and noticed that I was still eating way too little, the struggle started to be real. In the beginning of the whole process, working out at the gym, I ate about 2500kcal-2700kcal and even with that amount I had difficulties. Now I’m getting about 3500kcal-4000kcal depending on workouts and if I’m having a tough day or not, but I’m definitely not lacking energy, my workouts are great and my body recovers way better than when I had a low calorie intake.

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Of course!
Ei liity postaukseen, mut niiku tosi hyvä ja mielenkiintoinen tarina sulla ja kiva kuulla miten hyvi menee ja näi. Sulla on muute tosi hyvä asenne.
Hei muuten treenaatko supersettejä?
Thank you very much! occasionally I do super sets!