Home Is Where The Heart Is ❤
Spring in Finland has definitely not started out the way I would have hoped! During the past week springs sun shine has been traded in for freezing weather accompanied by rain, hail and snow. I packed away all my winter clothes thinking summer was on its way…BIG mistake haha! Talking of packing… I’ve been doing that a lot lately 😉 This weekend I’m moving in to an Airbnb apartment for the summer here in Espoo. Why?
After this summer I’m moving to Lappeenranta. Lappeenranta is situated on the shore of lake Saimaa (the biggest lake in Finland) in South-Eastern Finland about 30km (19 miles) from the Russian border. Lappeenranta has a special place in my hear because I was born there and half of my family lives there. It kind of feels like I’m going home. Another reason why Lappeenranta will always have a special place in my heart is that I met my boyfriend there a few years back. Home is where the heart is they say – and I definitely agree!
I’ve lived in many places during my life, 4 countries and 6 cities. I like to think I have many homes around the world. I’ve moved a total of 11 times and this will be my 12th move overall. Moving every few years has become a way of life for me. Moving around the world as an expat family wasn’t always easy on me. I loved seeing new places and experiencing new cultures. I got the unique chance to travel at a very young age which was great and my absolute favorite thing about the constant moving was the chance to make new friends around the world everywhere we went. This was also the worst part. Once I settled in to a new school and made new friends, it wasn’t long until I had to say goodbye, pack my bags and get ready to start all over again somewhere new. Even though this was tough and I miss so many people around the world – I wouldn’t change my childhood as a world traveler.

The one thing I learned during my life overseas was that no matter the distance, friendship is one of the strongest forces on earth. I’m lucky to have so many great friends and where ever I travel I’m bound to see a friendly face. You really can’t put a price on true friendship. I miss all of my friends around the world and they are always in my heart!
Anyway… moving! After 11 moves I’ve become quite the expert on packing. You could say that organization is my middle name 😉 This week I’ve got to pack my life away into boxes once more and head to a new city. Luckily I have someone to hold my hand through it all. I’m exited for the move this weekend and the big move to Lappeenranta at the end of July, however what I really can’t wait for is for it all to be over. I can’t wait to be settled into our new home with my boyfriend. Our home… Our…. Home. Wow. This is certainly the start of something new. Beyond excited!

P.s. I’ll be updating you here on my move as it progresses and my summer over all. I will also be posting daily ’behind the scenes’ pictures and video clips on my Snapchat. You should definitely check it out… I goof around a lot 😀