Social Media

Social media is so far from real life… But, is instagram & social media a bad thing, bad example for teen agers? For me, yes & no.When I had anorexia I got nothing to do and no social to spend time on the computer& find ”friends” at my age was good for me.Some of the friends I still have & some I know in real life. Actually one girl became my best friend,almost too close,like a sister for me..I was forbidden to move around so to think about other things than food or burning calories, the internet rly saved me.Years later, when I could live normally again I got the deep depression. When you’re burned out, depressed, anxious, it may be difficult to leave home or meet other people. I had also quit school& had very few friends.Finding blogs&later instagram, was a great thing for me to find inspiration. Also to stay in contact with the few friends I had left,forget the anxiety a moment. Internet was a place where I could share my experiences, feelings,thoughts&get support, help or hear others with similar problems.When I was on the bottom several times, I nearly always got help here. Once it was just a motivation film..another time a trainer helped me (online) for FREE with both diet and exercise, to get back on track. That was all I needed. Someone who believed in me&some goals in life. Later, in 2013, I hesitated and thought about starting this IG account only about training, health, my history& my way to the strong, free, healthy, happy self. I thought again and again if I should delete it. No, I got straight plenty of followers that gave me positive feedback and I wanted to do the same back. I got inspiration& found people with same interests as me. I had a lot to learn so I read on, I tested alot myself& a year later I started the PT school. Much of what I knew, but also much i did not know about the body& the functions. All this time I have developed myself mentally and physically. I Think it is important that the PT has own experiences about diet, exercise/gaining or losing weight.Social media became less important for me.Life outside is always more important& valuable. Real friends& real life..where everything happens.What happens on the screen is not that important. Spend your time here&now.
Enjoy the good times, memories in life.To have internet is a fun activity, a great way to keep in touch with people who live farther away. Especially when you have a long and restless time alone, it can be a great way to spend time as well as reading the book, an Xbox, a diary, listen to music, etc. We are all different and needs/wants to spend our own time differently. It may be convenient for some to work on the computer or blog their feelings or read interesting texts. But it can also be great and useful to look out, watch the people, maybe talk and be a little social, or just be and do nothings..or perhaps use a bit more brain
and solve crossword puzzles or playing alias, etc .. You choose, and you are right to do whatever you want! But when you are with your family, friends, at work, school, at dinner, the bar, the gym or on the town, maybe more fun to leave the cell phone for a ”while”,what is more important than living here and now? Maybe you see or hear something you’ve never experienced before? So as I said, there are advantages and disadvantages.I think you should leave instagram if you feel bad using it. Or just follow the people that makes you inspired and happy..and do everything in moderation! Maybe I have some time long ago got a little anxiety about IG but now I dont have pressure or requirement to be a certain way. I certainly want to inspire and help others but I wont change who I am or lie just because of that. I am who I am and I’ll post about me, my life, my living, my emotions and if it is bad for someone so unfortunately I can not do anything about that. I do not always think before I write or post photos, maybe I should when there are so many younger followers and I should be a ”good role model”.

But I can’t promise that to be something I can’t always be. I’m myself. Maybe I’m a bad role model and often do things that I should’nt, but I have my own free will and a life to live as I want. So I hope you understand that nobody is perfect. When you accept yourself as you are and understand that we are all different, that’s when you see everything in a new way.