BLI EN CONFIDENZA 5.5.2016 Amanda Essén Ei kommentteja Confidenza uf want to inspire the young women to a stronger self-confidence and self-love. With the help of expert advices and interviews from female role models Confidenza UF created an inspiring book to facilitate the balance between career and well-being of the young woman’s life. 📝💕 In the book involved for example the reality star @mariamontazamioriginal and blogger @nicolefalciani. Even Gladiator @jennykitsune and other successful women share their peppery spirit words and stories. Also I had the honor to participate in a few pages😱🙏🏻❤️ I am very thankful for that.. It is amazing to hear that I can inspire and help other people .. because I know how hard it can be. I know how the mind and self confidence affects our daily life when you dont like, respect, accept, yourself.. 😞💕 You CAN be strong, you can become anything you want to be, you just need the power of believing in yourself. I strongly recommend to read, a wonderful bok❤️ Visit for more information. You can also email if you are interested of buying the book. 📚📖💖 Take care and be strong ❤️ #svagtillstark #confidenzauf #blienconfidenza Video, jonka FROM WEAK TO STRONG👊🏼 (@svagtillstark) julkaisi 5. 05ta 2016 klo 1.11 PDT