Mothersday and new workoutplan
Hi everyone!
I thought I could do a quick post on english also. Before this I wrote about how proud I am of every mom in this world. It is awesome to see how strong and powerful they can be, specially my mom, she has done everything for me and I could not be happier to have her as my mom.
On Friday I was giving samples of protein bars and barebars (raw fruit/nut-bars) and thankful of every kind, happy person that came and lighted up my day. The food store was full stocked and the customers where a lot but then there was some people that stayed and talked for a bit longer time and shared some kind Words that Always make me smile. Specially when the people are strangers and that warms my heart that someone just takes their time to say something nice to someone else, even if they have a lot to do.
So it was a really fun day. I had no time for anything else that day, we bought ready food home and just relaxed the rest of the evening.
On Saturday the beautiful sunny weather began, I was so happy and thankful for that because on the beginning of the week it actually snowed. WTF, in MAY!!! Ok yes I live in Finland but not in Lapland.. It lasted until Sunday afternoon, so we got a really good mothersday with my family and grandma + grandpa. I don’t know why but I slept like a king, I woke up early (??!?!!) okay at 08 o’clock but that is early for ME, on a SUNDAY. I was full of energy, for no special reason, well maybe my body felt it was motherday or something haha… I made breakfast for myself, coffee to mom and enjoyed my morning a bit in the sun but then I headed to the gym, I focused on hamstrings and butt today. Feels so strange to even write it. I never train only butt, but that is why it is one of my weakest points. I wrote before that I am going to change my training-plan and I am so excited to start it. I will change to a lot of focus on my weak points and the muscle parts that I always ”forget” to train.. like calves, butt, bicep/triceps, back-shoulders or abs. Abs I will not focus on that much like the other ones though. But we’ll see.
Actually I completely hate those weird ankles of squats/ lunges/ hipthrusters/ kickbacks etc. Specially to do them with a lot of repetitions. Why? Well, maybe because it burns, it is sweaty, challenging and different. I am comfortable with my usual exercises as squats, deadlifts, normal lunges and legpress but now I have a few time done this kind of workouts and also using the mini-bands and I am surprised it went really good and I actually had a lot of fun when I finally get started. The endorphins I get afterwards is amazing. But I will still keep my Heavy legday also. The exercises will a bit change and also the repetitions, but I will focus mostly on the Connection in every muscle and on the exercise I do, I have now for too long only focus on the weight and yes It has given good results, so I am excited to also add and maybe even more of the ”pump-burn-Connection-slow motion” exercises to not only legs but also my upper-body workouts that is my favorite ones, time to stop benching on my max and go back to the 10-15 repetition game. If I know me good I will do all of the excuses to stay on 10 max, over that kills me haha. But I will take this as a challenge and either follow this schedule straight for a little shorter period, or then mix it with my favorite heavy/low repetition workouts focus on strength/power/max instead of hypertrophy and blood flow restriction (BFR) training.
But people, I wish you a nice Sunday evening and a happy new week!
Let this be a good one, oh yes it sure will be! 😉 <3 hugs.