Back on Track


I am so sorry for being unactive here, I have been on the cruiseship working for a week, I got home today and It was really chocking because when I left it was snowing and cold and now suddenly everything was so green and colorful, I walked in top and shorts, the sun was shining more than ever, I even got pain in my eyes because I were not used to the light. That’s one of the best things working at the boat, it is the best feeling getting home and you see Everything in a new light and even miss the bad things that you whined about like cleaning, washing, Mosquitoes, etc. It was seriously like waking up, because you’ve been inside all week, with ONE time going outside for 10 minutes to the closest ICA foodstore buying stuff that we don’t have in Finland, like ADD ICECREAM, omg. I need to write aboout it more later, that icecream is seriously amazing and can’t be compared with anything!


Anyway, now I need to fix a lot of work and try to find a hotel for next month’s meeting with the Girls, Fitnessmalli finalists. <3 I can’t wait to meet them again and a lot of surprises is coming! I have so much to tell you guys that I just need to write a longer blogtext later or do a videoblog, but for now I just want to say that I am back! xo




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