Hey sweeties!
This is it. We are having the last 3 weeks before our Fitnessmodel competition will come to an end! These 7 months with this great team have taught me so much and I just can’t put in words how much it really has affected my mind. What I’ve learned most is to take care of your mind as much as you take care of your body. You can train like a crazy bun, eat well and do everything to get the results of living healthy life, BUT we might forget how important is our mental side. You can’t be the best of yourself if you are not investing time for relaxation.
People often ask me how do you have energy to take care of your body? If you want to have a successful road, you NEED to pay attention in E V E R Y T H I N G what is considered with your health and mind.
My 4 the most important tips for better health DAILY:
1. Sleep at least 7-9 hours. Try to go to sleep before 23 o’clock. Before going to sleep try to calm yourself down 1 hour before laying on the bed. Listen some relaxing music, read a book or write a list what you are thankful in that day. AND try not to use your phone in
your bed anymore.
2. Eat 5 times in a day with 2-3 h pauses. Don’t be afraid of big meals and carbs! If you are active person, you need to eat! Better eat more then less.
3. Train at least 3 times per week. Your training sessions should be fun time and the time when you can let your mind relax.
4. Socialise yourself with people who are bringing the best out of you. Not the stress. I know it’s easy to use social media for connecting, but researchers have taught that WE PEOPLE NEED to really meet physically people and friends. Make the time for them, because mental side and support is very important thing for your success.

We had today a great opportunity to see all the Finnish wellness stars speaking about our everyday life and health in Training forum in Helsinki, Tennispalatsi, which lasted the whole day. It was such a nice experience and it really brightened my thoughts even more clear!
What touched me the most was really got to learn them better and seeing how people are actually proud of themselves to be DIFFERENT and THEMSELVES. Speakers such as: Jari Sarasvuo, Melina Niemi, Jutta Gustafsberg, Patrik Borg and Makwan Amirkhan.

I loved how Jutta Gustafsberg told me that, whatever you want to achieve in your life you better concentrate on YOUR THINGS and goals! It doesn’t matter how many people are not believing your success, all what MATTERS IS YOUR BELIEVE in you things. I know you can do it.Thank you Training Forum and trainer4you and ALL for having us! It was very inspiring day!
Love Erna, xo