Through Springs Stress Into Summers Serenity
Its been a while since my last post. Saying this spring has been busy would be a huge understatement! This post is going to be more of an update on what I’ve been up to and I’m going share some tips on how to manage stress.
This spring I have been working on my thesis. Now any student that is or has worked on a thesis knows how stressful it can be. For a procrastinator like me the stress definitely built up more and more the closer I got to actually finishing it. Everyone told me that once its done, I’d feel a huge weight lift off of my shoulders and I would be happy to feel freed from the stress. During the whole process I felt moments of desperation and hopelessness. Luckily once I got my thesis done I could see what everyone was talking about. The stress of spring was replaced by a feeling of accomplishment and pride. As a master of procrastination I could not have been happier to complete my thesis in time. I am now looking forward to graduating in a few weeks.
For anyone working on a project that is comparable to a thesis I want to say: stay focused, keep your self inspired by life’s little things on your free time and remember to keep your health in mind. Stress can be very overwhelming, remembering the importance of a good nights sleep and a healthy diet can do wonders in managing stress. A daily dose of fresh air keeps your mind refreshed.
In addition to working on my thesis this spring I have also moved, and am looking forward to a bigger move later this summer. Moving can also be very stressful, trust me…I have too much experience in this field! Any big change can cause stress. Even though I’m delighted and excited about moving, the organizational aspects of moving can be stressful so I found a few tips that really helped me manage this spring.
Here are a few tips I found very useful this spring:
1. Ask yourself what you can do about the sources of your stress.
2. Keep a positive, realistic attitude.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Eat healthy.
5. Try to manage your time wisely.
6. Accept help from people around you.
7. Discuss your feelings and problems with your close ones, they are here to support you through the process.
I feel these tips can be utilized in any stressful situation and in life overall. I hope that they come in handy for you if ever needed.
In my next posts I will be talking more about exercise, how someone who isn’t a big gym enthusiast can get started and finding my own likes and dislikes at the gym.
Hope you’ve had a great spring. Now bring on summer!

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