Springs New Healthy Habits
It finally feels like spring has blessed us with its presence. This time of year is usually filled with a final sprint to finish school assignments and lots of work hours to save up money for summer vacations. For me spring is filled with big things also! I am working on my thesis currently and looking forward to graduating this summer. I’m also planning a big move – but more on that later 😉
Even though spring can be a busy time and a very stressful time it is important to remember to take care of yourself.
This spring I’ve started running again. After hours of studying indoors there’s nothing better than putting on your running shoes and stepping outside for a run. Especially now that the weather is getting warmer and the suns been out nearly everyday. Going outside for fresh air refreshes your mind and can help you focus better. Being active also keeps you feeling healthy.
I’ve also tried to start a new habit of having a healthy breakfast every morning. I’m not a big breakfast person – often going mornings with no food and lunch being the first meal of the day. I think I’ve just always been a person who would rather sleep 30 minutes longer each morning than get up earlier to prepare a good healthy breakfast. I’ve noticed that not having a good breakfast can make you feel tired and out of energy, causing you to believe you’re still sleepy or haven’t had a good nights sleep.
I love making omelettes and one of my favorites for this week has definitely been scrambled eggs with spinach and cherry tomatoes. If I had to mention one food I couldn’t go a day without I would have to say Finnish rye bread. Its super good and a healthier alternative to other breakfast breads such and croissants or white bread.

Great spinach tip: I always buy a big bag of fresh baby spinach, then I pop the bag into the freezer. This keeps the spinach fresh. When I need to use some for cooking I simply grab a handful of frozen spinach and crumble it in my hands and add to my dish. No need for cutting or slicing since frozen spinach breaks into little pieces easily.
During studying I tend to have cravings for something sweet to nibble on. Since I have a big sweet tooth I often go for chocolate or other sugary sweets. In the spirit of trying out new things and changing my ways I’ve decided to try substituting the sweet snacks with fresh fruits – and I’m so hooked. I think the vitamins in all the fruit I’ve been having has had a huge effect on my energy levels. I’m pretty much just cheery and hyper all the time these days haha 😀 Its not summer yet but with the sun shining outside and a bowl of fresh fruits to enjoy it really feels like summer is just around the corner.

Lately I’ve been waking up naturally (without an alarm) and been filled with positive energy. The key is leaving your curtains or blinds a little open so around 6-7 am when the sun rises and the sunlight shines in- waking you up naturally. I’ve really found that waking up naturally by sunlight makes you feel more awake and not so drowsy. Sun light also gives a nice start to your day – my first thought every morning this week has been ”its so sunny- spring is here!” 🙂
So in the spirit of trying new things embrace spring and remember that the small things are often the biggest things in life. Enjoy every little ray of sunlight, every breath of fresh air and indulge yourself with new habits!