Miss Finland 2015 – My journey
The application period for Miss Finland 2016 has begun. I wanted to share my experiences of castings, feelings during and after the pageant and some tips for anyone who decides to embark upon this journey.
It was approximately this time last year that I decided to apply for the Miss Finland 2015 pageant. While filling in the application I felt very unsure of every word I wrote, every adjective I used to describe myself and my overall appearance “would they like me” or “am I too average”. I don’t think I’ve ever doubted myself as much as I did that day. As I reflected on the application I had just sent in I decided to stop doubting myself, because by taking a shot I wasn’t losing anything – I would only be gaining an experience.
Tip: Be confident and proud of who you are. Judges are looking for confidence and personality.
A few weeks after sending my application I opened my email and to my surprise I had received a mail welcoming me to castings. On the day I entered a large hall which was used as a waiting area. The room was filled with 50 gorgeous girls. I looked around and I have to admit it scared me. There were 49 beautiful girls I would have to compete against. A few minutes prior to entering the judges room I took a deep breath and decided to clear my thoughts and just be myself. It was the best decision I could have made since after the first casting round I got into the top 25 group. Later during march I participated in the semi-finals and was selected to be one of the top 10 finalists.
Tip: Don’t compare yourself with others – different doesn’t mean better. Be yourself and let your personality shine through.
Tip: Don’t try too hard to be something you’re not. A natural look will impress more than a face filled with a ton of makeup.
The top 10 finalists were presented to the Finnish media the day after the semi-finals. Everything happened so fast during the first 2 days. As a finalist I had to be ready to drop everything in my life with an hour’s notice and embark upon a month long tour around Finland and later Alanya in Turkey. At first it was all very overwhelming and frightening,
however we we’re taken care of by our own pro team of hair stylists, makeup
artists, an amazing photographer and stylist as well as our own tour mothers
to guide us along the way. I can assure you we we’re in great hands.
Tip: Make sure you’re school, work and other responsibilities are organized in a way that a months absence won’t cause mayhem.
Tip: Trust the professionals around you, they are there for you.
The Miss Finland tour was something I will never forget. It was a hectic time since we were running from one event to the other, to different photo shoots nearly daily and meeting new people every second of the way. A big part of the Miss Finland tour are the people around you, in my case the 9 other girls competing for the crown. I’m happy to say that I can now call each and every one of those girls my friend. It was lots of
fun traveling with them and I feel we all really enjoyed each other’s company
and support throughout the journey.
Tip: Enjoy every second of the tour and try be in the moment. You will be left with great memories forever.
Tip: Embrace your competition. Everyone around you is in the same position as you, so take the opportunity to befriend them. After all when you go home you will be left with a memory and hopefully lifelong friendships.
For me the Miss Finland pageant concluded in being named the Presses Favorite Girl. I was extremely happy with the title and so proud of my three fellow contestants that went on to win the crowns of Miss Finland,
1st runner up and 2nd runner up. I have watched them throughout the year
and they have carried themselves with poise.
After the competition I was so happy but extremely exhausted. The only thing on my mind was getting home and enjoying a quite evening with my boyfriend. I doubt I could have survived the competition as well as I did without his endless love and support. He was definitely where I got my motivation.
Tip: Keep your family, friends and loved ones close. When you’re having a hard day, they are the ones that will help you keep a smile on your face.
Now for anyone applying this year I wish you lots of luck. Stay true to yourselves and enjoy every second of how ever far you get. I will surely be cheering you all on from a far.
Miss Finland 2015 picture team:
Photographer: Lars Johnson Photography/Olympus
Styling: Kriselda Mustonen
Makeup: Ville Äikäs ja Laura Ahola /Make Up Factory
Hiukset: Salon Klipsi
Turkey: Detur

Hyvin kirjoitettu heidi ja uskon että tämä teksti antaa rohkaisua monelle tytölle. Hyvä Heidi !!! <3
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